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Questions tagged [socket]

Network sockets are software abstractions that provide a shared, standard API for data transmission and receiving across computer networks.

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2 answers

does it matter to send less data over network in a realtime multiplayer game?

I know it matters but... i know in networking there are packet size limits. for example, most UDP libraries enforce max packet size of around 65535. can I write on the network as much as possible ...
virtouso's user avatar
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Game server question: Sharing data between server and client

I'm personally developing a massive multiplayer server for the FPS game genre. (Ex: such as battlefield series or call of duty series) In general, people usually use a server and client structure to ...
Kyle Kang's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to upload a certificate in Unity for an SSL connection

I am developing a videogame in Unity for mobile devices (Android / IOs) that connects to a server through a TCP connection by socket under TLS1.2. For this reason, my client needs to have the server's ...
coantia's user avatar
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Should I send the entries using a tickrate? Netcode Authoritative Server

I am developing a 2D platform and shooting video game in Unity 2D with authoritative logic / physics on the server (The physics server is also developed in Unity to be able to use the box2D library on ...
coantia's user avatar
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1 answer

How to receive data on a Python socket only when data is available?

I am writing an update to a game I have written in python, and I am currently adding server support. I can't show you the main code (for the client), as it is hundreds of lines long. However, what I ...
Pixelthegreat's user avatar
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What design choice should I follow for client-server communication?

My game server currently launches a thread for each connected client, and handles all data exchange through that socket in a server-blocks-until-client-requests fashion. The problem derives from the ...
roymcclure's user avatar
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TCP vs. Reliable UDP? Sending Reliable Packets in Fast-paced Multiplayer Games?

I'm currently working on a networking framework for Unity3D in order to simplify making multiplayer games. I'm using UDP for any kind of synchronisation and unimportant data. My question is: how do ...
volairs22's user avatar
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How can I build an authoritative server to handle players actions taking into consideration scalability of solution

I've started with Unity3D to develop a multiplayer game similar to world of tanks, it's using authoritative server and I was able to sync movements between several clients. I'm using c# and on the ...
Floji's user avatar
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WebSocketSharp For Unity

I have integrated WebSocketSharp with Unity 2018.4.14f1 and it works well with Android and IOS. I wanted to know that most of the other plugins for unity have a wrapper of Class Packet over ...
user135890's user avatar
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Does StreamPeerTCP guarantee received packet is same from server?

I'm making simple Godot project that works with Node.js server. To receive and send packet to Node.js server, I used StreamPeerTCP. First seems works, but after 2nd transmission from server, extract ...
modernator's user avatar
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Networking and Timing issue

I have been trying to use the low-level API for UNET and the focus of this problem is this: ...
Parsa Rahimi's user avatar
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1 answer

Fast Serialization for Multiplayer Gaming

I wish to make a Java based multiplayer game. I am learning all about sockets and so forth. I have built a very basic UDP system that serializes an object with all the information about the game state ...
Galindan's user avatar
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Handling bad network clients using

Currently I'm working on a MMO game which players can join and exit game whenever they want. I have a connection manager server (CMS) written in golang using socket io library. World connects to CMS ...
Sina Zand Karimi's user avatar
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1 answer

Check if client is alive

I am having client/server application and i want to detect if client is alive. So i know that send() will return me null but it ...
Aleksa Ristic's user avatar
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Trying to understand exactly how the server sends data to the client to prevent malicious actions

I recently started coding a game with one of my friends and he is taking care of the front end and I am doing the back end. I read many blogs/articles/tutorials on how the back end communicates with ...
schylake's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it secure to use UDP socket for a game server?

I'm working on a multiplayer android game with Unity. For server side I use python. There is no login system or username. Basically, there is a matchmaking system and rooms. I send json object which ...
Mus's user avatar
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Unreal Engine 4.18 - Knife (Weapon) collides with character capsule collision

I have a character and he has a knife in his hand. When Run / Walk action happens hands move and so does knife, its collision collides with character's capsule collision and causes issue in movement. ...
Ramachandra Junior's user avatar
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1 answer

World & client listening, use multi-threading or multi-process?

My game is based on a client / server architecture where client only sends input and receives server output. Server has to keep track of the game, updating the world etc. But also listen to clients ...
Rien's user avatar
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Cocos2d-x : crashes after creating scene

I'm using with cocos, because the built-in doesn't support callback (
TomSawyer's user avatar
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Could a Peer-To-Peer network architecture be good for my fighting game

I am looking forward to developing a 2D spaceship-fighting, brawler game and I have so many ideas about it. I am going to make a single-player component anyway, but the core of this game would ...
Andrew Stef's user avatar
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Unity won't Instantiate() outside of Start(), even though code is the same

I am trying to add a gameobject to my game using a socket connection. I have a SocketHandler class, which simply connects to my NodeJS socket server, which can also call a method on another class, ...
MortenMoulder's user avatar
4 votes
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Implementing a game in Unity without Unity Networking [closed]

I have been programming in Unity for a while, and ever since I started I could not wrap my head around the Unity Networking system. I understand on a whole how it works, I even made a small project ...
Andrew Stef's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How would a server handle sending entity updates to clients?

Lately I've been looking into networking and sockets and made small test programs to get the basics down. So far I've made a TCP turn-based game from where I learnt a lot and helped me getting some ...
Dennis Björk's user avatar
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2 answers

Network game like MMO - TPC or UDP [closed]

I saw this subject several times, however I will wish better understand. I am working on the development of a 2d game like a little MMO. (Currently I only do research). I see people who says it's ...
wammder's user avatar
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unity, socketio, nodejs. amount of messages sent is multiplied by amount of NPcs that have ever spawned

I am building a 2d top down multiplayer mmo. very lightweight. a note on architecture I am using Unity as an engine, I have a backend Nodejs/ websockets server. and a main Master client ...
Svp's user avatar
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Node.js in LibGDX project [closed]

I'm developing a game with LibGDX, and right now I'm trying the multiplayer part. I have managed to connect several players through Node.js and socketIO but when I try to make the lobby I am doubting ...
Kuru's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I make my offline server go online?

I've made a simple multiplayer game using, and took a lot of help from YouTube and the Internet on how to do it. However, the tutorials only talk about how to run the server locally, and ...
SIMMORSAL's user avatar
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3 answers

Synchronizing object states over .NET sockets

What I want to achieve is synchronize the state of a list of objects between two applications using sockets. All my attempts, but failed. One of my methods was to send each object each update to the ...
Rudi Jansen van Vuuren's user avatar
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1 answer

How to solve this card game turn requestes clashing issue

So I am developing a poker card game using JS +node.js + It is turn-based game. There will be a host and 4 other players.The flow is the players need to make a yes/no choice, then the host ...
Frostless's user avatar
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45 views emit textfield

Hello everyone I learned how to emit from website guides but I was wondering how does the chat example receive its input? For example in my cocos2dx app how do I pass a text field over to ...
GK Dorus's user avatar
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SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

I am working on connecting a client to a server using socket connection. I have a button, when I click on the button, it's giving the below exception in Unity. "SocketException: No connection could ...
user1509674's user avatar
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Delay in connecting to server in Unity

I have a button, when I press the connect button, it gets connected to the server. When I press the connect button again, it's getting delay in connecting to the server. Below is the code to connect ...
user1509674's user avatar
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1 answer

Try to connect to Game Maker server

I'm trying to make a simple multiplayer experience with Game Maker, using a local network, and the basic idea is to use Game Maker's built-in networking functions. Using a simple client-server pattern,...
Simone Chelo's user avatar
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2 answers

TCP Socket communication with unity

I am working on communicating unity application with an PC app. Since I doesn't know how socket programming can be implemented in unity.Can anybody please help me in creating a simple small ...
user1509674's user avatar
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1 answer

Best client/server architecture for a mobile management game?

For the past year I have worked on a small company that develops a traditional browser based strategy game, of the likes of Travian or Ogame, but using a more interactive approach like Tribal Wars 2. ...
Manuel Morais's user avatar
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Unity WebGL build throws errors

I am working on a multiplayer game for WebGL platform and I am using SocketIo & node.js server for handling the game. I am facing issues, as shown in the attached image. I have no idea about what ...
user81440's user avatar
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what is the best way to code an online multiplayer game? [closed]

so i want to create a simple game that runs over a network but I am having trouble deciding what needs to be done in terms of what the server needs to do and what the clients need to do. I understand ...
J leong's user avatar
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1 answer

Slick2D Networking Crash

This is my first post, so I apologize if it's been put in the wrong place or something. Anyways, here's my problem: I've run into an issue with running my client-side code in one of my game-states. ...
user avatar
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2 answers

Do I need TCP socket?

My game uses UDP sockets to stream updates between server and client and I've also made a reliable channel that resends messages if there's no response and makes sure same message isn't processed ...
zoran404's user avatar
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1 answer

How should I send packets to multiple clients on UDP? [closed]

I'm developing a 2D action side-scroller shoot-em-up game and I recently implemented the multiplayer aspect. When the server sends packets containing the game state (which are about 500-700 bytes) ...
SirBob's user avatar
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What is the best way to send/receive data about user coordinates and other properties?

For example If I have 2 users, and each of them have an object, and that object has: x coordinates, y coordinates, angle, state, and other properties... I use java let'say the game changes at 30 ...
Человек и PHP's user avatar
23 votes
4 answers

How to keep server-client clocks in-sync for precision networked games like Quake 3?

I'm working on a 2D top-down-shooter and doing my best to copy concepts used in networked games like Quake 3. I have an authoritative server. The server sends snapshots to clients. Snapshots contain ...
Joncom's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How do I access a Unity class from an Android Activity?

I have made my own C# classes in Unity. How can I access them from the Android Activity that starts the UnityPlayer? Example: I have a C# class called ...
Stuyvenstein's user avatar
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Send info about gun shots via UDP

I am writing a small multiplayer game in C++. But I am confused about how to send info about gun shots to achieve best performance. I am thinking of different ways to do that: Let's say we have a gun ...
iamnp's user avatar
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Delay command execution over sockets

I've been trying to fix the game loop in a real time (tick delay) MUD. I realized using Thread.Sleep would seem clunky when the user spammed commands through their ...
David Fox's user avatar
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2 answers

Should I use threads to check sockets for multiplayer game?

In a multiplayer game does the code to get/send info from/to sockets reside in the game loop or does it belong in its own thread?
Crowbar's user avatar
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3 answers

Why is my client laggy despite 60 update packets a second? [closed]

I am developing a small multiplayer game with XNA. It's a usual client-server architecture -- I have a server and many clients communicating with it through UDP (via .NET's ...
iamnp's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

UDP vs TCP in multiplayer mobile game

I'm working on a networked multiplayer game, initially for iOS. Even with TCP_NODELAY there are large fluctuations in latency. I can't be sure of the reason, but I would not be surprised if it was ...
Nuoji's user avatar
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Mobile Multiplayer games and coping with high latency

I'm currently researching regarding a design for an online (realtime) mobile multiplayer game. As such, i'm taking into consideration that latencies (lag) is going to be high (perhaps higher than PC/...
spaceOwl's user avatar
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Adobe Air turn based multiplayer Game, sockets vs http bandwidth

I am developing an Adobe Air multiplayer game for iPad. It is turn based and not realtime. It is like checkers game. I want to use a client server model. I have found 2 options to connect to server so ...
Arin Aivazian's user avatar