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Game Physics Engine : Euler integration : why body under gravity is not covering 9.8 meters/second?

I am working on very basic physics engine and I used euler interation which works like below, ...
videogamechef's user avatar
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Converting physics example to Velocity Verlet / Leapfrog method

I'm looking at the impressive video about verlet integration. I managed to implement a sphere falling, exactly like the video up to the minute mark 2:19 in the video. I want to use velocity verlet ...
nammerkage's user avatar
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Integrating accelerometer data samples to get velocity and displacement

I am working on an android app built in Unity that would allow the users to track their movements by just using the data coming from the device sensors. I have read about similar issues already and I ...
Marco's user avatar
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How do you exactly implement a Semi-Implicit Euler type of movement in a 2D platformer?

So I've been following along Sebastian Lague's 2D platformer tutorial, and to understand exactly how the physics of how a jump is done, I dug into the subject and noticed a lot of people, from ...
Leo Dela Cruz's user avatar
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Integrating Moonsharp with Unity for Nintendo Switch project

Has anyone tried to run Unity project with integrated Moonsharp on Nintendo Switch? Can it be done? Are there any significant performance issues due to running Lua scripts? EDIT: Sorry, I wasn't ...
Przemek Nowaczyk's user avatar
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How to limit speed while still adding external forces

I have a ship with a single thruster in space (no friction). My ship uses integration on every update, like this: (PSEUDO CODE) ...
Eduardo G.R.'s user avatar
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Simulating and predicting Box2D trajectories orbiting a planet

Okay, I have the following situation: I want to launch a GameObject into orbit of a planet and using the dynamic rigidbody everything is working as I want. I simulate gravity and as it hits the ...
avanwieringen's user avatar
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How do I integrate Nvidia Ansel into my Unity game?

I want to be able to use the super high resolution image capabilities that ansel have to offer but I don't know how to add it as the only thing that i can find are C++ libraries on their website.
user3797758's user avatar
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Implementing proportional navigation in 3D

Good afternoon guys, a = N * λ' * V is the formula for the commanded acceleration required to hit the target, where N is the proportionality constant, λ' is the change in line of sight and V is ...
Oliver's user avatar
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EULER Integration

I'm a little confused over using integration to move a sprite. This is how I've always achieved this: ...
BungleBonce's user avatar
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Moving sprites using the accelerometer (Android)

In my previous game, I was moving my sprite like so: ...
BungleBonce's user avatar
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6 votes
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Orbits: Combine the Pros of RK4, Symplectic Euler, and Verlet Velocity Integrator

Recently, I've implemented and compared a number of basic integrators for my physics engine. The 3 that gave me the best results are RK4, Symplectic Euler, and Verlet Velocity, but I think I need ...
MindSeeker's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I integrate drag over distance?

In my game I want to model kind-of-accurate bullet physics. I have the following drag equation (in C#): ...
Hexicube's user avatar
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Correct way to integrate scaled axis angular velocity into a quaternion

Across my travels on the internet I have came across two different ways of integrating a scaled axis angular velocity into a quaternion. The first way converts the angular velocity into an axis angle ...
neon64's user avatar
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Leapfrog integration vs Euler integrator

I am looking at various integration methods for my n-body simulation and I'm slightly confused about actual implementation of leapfrog integration. According to the wikipedia page leapfrog method is ...
cube's user avatar
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Gravity Simulation failing at short distances

I have a 2D space simulation with gravity acting on three bodies (e.g. sun and 2x planets). The simulation seems pretty stable with RK4 (was unstable with Euler). The problem arises if the orbit of ...
Ken's user avatar
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Working out velocity/time based on physical pixels moved

In my game I integrate like so: (Please assume all variables to be declared) ...
BungleBonce's user avatar
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What is the purpose of integration in physics engines?

All online resources seem to assume that you know what this means and/or state that this is related to object movement in some way. How does this differ than just ...
Scholar's user avatar
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Understanding constant acceleration in terms of game physics simulation

There are various integration methods that can be used for games. I am trying to write a simple physics engine deciding between semi-implicit Euler and Verlet variants. What I don't understand is ...
Chris's user avatar
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How do I translate accelerometer readings into object movement?

I am using the DeviceMotionEvent web API, which gives me a device's acceleration split up into x-, y- and z-dimensions and a time interval. Here's my attempt at ...
Tom's user avatar
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Integration error in high velocity

I've implemented a simple simulation of two planets (simple 2D disks really) in which the only force is gravity and there is also collision detection/response (collisions are completely elastic). I ...
Elektito's user avatar
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Why is RK4 better than Euler integration? [closed]

At the end of these great slides, the author compares all the different integrators presented. One way or another, they all fall short except for Improved Euler Integration and Runge Kutta 4 ...
John Tyler's user avatar