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Questions tagged [numerical-methods]

Numerical Methods are techniques to approximate a solution to a complicated mathematical problem when an exact closed-form formula is unavailable or infeasible. Use this tag for specific topics like numerical integration, iterative refinement, or finite element simulation - not just for any computation that involves numbers.

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1 answer

Calculating surface normal numerically

Say I have a 2D surface defined with the use of bitmap. I want to use this bitmap for collision detection (white color is where object can move freely, with black I mark the walls). How can I ...
zduny's user avatar
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3 answers

Calling and functions/methods from different Classes in Unity

I am learning some of the basics with Unity and am running into calling/sending code to a different script. For example, the code below is a basic menu of options. I have a different Scene set up in ...
user68995's user avatar
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2 answers

Gravity Simulation failing at short distances

I have a 2D space simulation with gravity acting on three bodies (e.g. sun and 2x planets). The simulation seems pretty stable with RK4 (was unstable with Euler). The problem arises if the orbit of ...
Ken's user avatar
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2 answers

Integration error in high velocity

I've implemented a simple simulation of two planets (simple 2D disks really) in which the only force is gravity and there is also collision detection/response (collisions are completely elastic). I ...
Elektito's user avatar
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1 answer

Do videogames use numerical solutions? [closed]

Do video games often use numerical solutions in their calculations, such as you might generate using software like MATLAB or Mathematica? Perhaps for making formulas for AI, or for game physics ...
tristo's user avatar
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Typical Applications of Linear System Solver in Game Developemnt [closed]

I am going to write a custom solver for linear system. I would like to survey the typical problems involved the linear system solving in games. So that I can custom optimization on these problems ...
craftsman.don's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Design patterns in Game Physics

In the frames of a number crunching compatible programming language (say.. C++), what would be an elegant solution for adding self collision, external collision and integration step (Euler, etc.) ...
teodron's user avatar
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