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Nils Ole Timm's user avatar
Nils Ole Timm
  • Member for 8 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
102 votes

What is "game logic code?"

9 votes

What is the difference between genre and game mechanics?

6 votes

How can I speed up this HLSL shader?

5 votes

Can I make this physics simulation any faster?

4 votes

2D deferred lighting calculations not working

4 votes

SSAO issue - surfaces darken based on camera angle

3 votes

Determining how much of a tile is intersected by a ray to help calculate lighting and deal with shadow issues

2 votes

Frame Skips in MonoGame

2 votes

Strange 1D Perlin noise generation with negative x values

2 votes

Got unexpected results from perlin noise. Wondering what it is doing?

2 votes

Get the tile that my mouse pointer is currently over?

2 votes

Möller-Trumbore intersection point

2 votes

A* in 2D game. corner pathfinding issue

1 vote

Problems making a smooth character rotation

1 vote

Java Game Optimizing

1 vote

How to draw the imagebutton and place it in the lower left corner

1 vote

How to handle Tilled Map z index order with player in libgdx?

1 vote

How can I implement smooth tile-based lighting?

1 vote

Performance differences: one empty GameObject with multiple child objects vs. single GameObject formed by pre-merging the former child objects

1 vote

Can I generate character with several layers?

1 vote

Unwanted line between chunks in heightmap infinite terrain

1 vote

Why is my collision code blocking the player's movement in XNA?

1 vote

Any good pattern for managing user input in XNA

1 vote

Rendering a dynamically sized box

1 vote

What is the math behind rendering isometric with the aid of Depth Maps?

1 vote

TileMap chunk generation

1 vote

Cycling UV-coordinates with instanced drawing c++/opengl/glsl

0 votes

Targeting system, Vectors and Angles Maths

0 votes

XNA's GameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds isn't working as expected

0 votes

Rotate Sprite towards another sprite