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3 votes

Photon Realtime, StripKeysWithNullValues cause heavy GC Alloc

I don't know anything about Photon, but I suspect your keys array is very large. The CopyTo method is allocating all of that memory, and then it must be cleaned up....
Evorlor's user avatar
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2 votes

Why am I disconnecting from Photon Chat immediately after Connecting?

So the mistake I was doing was connecting to Photon Chat Server with "in" (India) in the server location. Actually for PUN "in" will be alright but for Photon Chat "asia" ...
chethanv77777's user avatar
2 votes

How to load additive scenes to the master client, per player, in unity using photon?

This might not be the most elegant solution but it's certainly an effective one: What I have done in the past when using PUN for this is to use the ...
Thomas Mathieson's user avatar
2 votes

Photon Unity Network with Socket IO Ambiguities

After a lot of searching I found this link: As per the above link, I deleted the websocket-sharp....
Vishal Mohan's user avatar
1 vote

Empty room list on region change

I haven't tested myself, but what's sticking out to me is that you're attempting to join lobby right away after calling ConnectUsingSettings, which has some asynchronous work to do. In my project I ...
Chromega's user avatar
1 vote

Get count of players in room by room name

You cannot change the name of a room once you've created it. While you can still use the room/level naming convention for the name of the room, you will have to create another script to display the ...
MariaA's user avatar
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Photon Transforms syncing other transforms

I got my own solution after testing for hours. Essentially, when I create the My Player prefab which has its own PhotonView and I instantiate this prefab by the ...
CraftedGaming's user avatar
1 vote

How to load additive scenes to the master client, per player, in unity using photon?

I basically combined Thomas Mathieson's answer combined with DMGregory's response to successfully add two players. I used if (photonView.IsMine) and within it I ...
EmperiumIce's user avatar
1 vote

Getting user id from one scene then to the next scene

If you want to keep track of the order when users joined the room (which should actually not matter much) you just need to keep track of them when they join the room. Photon is providing the player ...
Zibelas's user avatar
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Getting user id from one scene then to the next scene

If you're using Photon, you should be able to set each user id in one of the following ways: Once authenticated, a Photon client will keep the same UserID until disconnected. The UserID for a ...
Chris Trott's user avatar
1 vote

Could use some help figuring out bouncy physics material in this PhotonEngine game

I would try to assume that the reason for this is that the new coordinates of the second player's movement are transferred from the master to the client a little bit later than the player on the ...
Serg's user avatar
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In Photon, What happens networked GameObject's ownership when master client disconnects?

I just asked to the Photon's forum, and I got the answer. The point is it's not. Setting autoCleanUpPlayerObjects will not transfer ownership to new master client automatically. To do that, you ...
modernator's user avatar
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Moving an object in a coroutine using the DOMove library: Why doesn't the multiplayer synchronization work?

Problem gets solved. I call Moving enumerator from method not directly using RPC. And Make method call using RPC. And Most important thing is use transfrom instead of gameobject like this: ...
Rupal Patel's user avatar
1 vote

synchronized transform is always 0,0,0 in Photon unity

I solved this problem by using RPC. Remove whole OnPhotonSerializeView code and add new RPC Function like this: ...
modernator's user avatar
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How can I get fastest region server in Photon C++ Client API?

The optional Listener::onAvailableRegions() callback only gets called, when you pass RegionSelectionMode::SELECT to the Client constructor. This approach is useful when you have special criteria for ...
Kaiserludi's user avatar
1 vote

Synchronization between server's value and the one showed in a stat bar (health, stamina, mana...)

What I suggest you do is to simulate the change client-side, using the same calculation on server-side, and send request to the server at the same time, using a timestamp to know what value it is. ...
cocosushi's user avatar
1 vote

How to share some elements of array with different players on Photon in the same Room? Unity3d

Make a CmdPullCard command for the host, send the command from the player, check if the card has been already pulled before, if not send the card string to the player. (If you're unsure on how to do ...
John Hamilton's user avatar
1 vote

Server logic on client side?

Alright, since this question seems like it was answered in the comments, let's turn that into an actual answer shall we? Photon Unity 3D Networking (PUN) works by connecting people to each other ...
John Hamilton's user avatar

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