I have already successfully created a multiplayer scene where multiple users can join, however there are some issues like unity not allowing multiple sound listeners per scene. In order to alleviate this problem (hopefully) I would like to load an additive scene that connects to the master client. In the additive scenes will contain the other players. How can I achieve this using photon PUN2?
In normal unity non multiplayer it is a easy as SceneManager.LoadScene(sceneName,LoadSceneMode.Additive);
With that code a new scene adds on to the scene already at play as a new scene. I wish to do so with photon PUN2 somehow, where the master client loads his scene and other players join the game using their own scenes. Currently the other players are loading into the scene with a simple instantiation of their prefabs PhotonNetwork.Instantiate
and this is giving me errors such as the one stated above (multiple sound listeners)
Please help