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PatrickB's user avatar
PatrickB's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
14 votes

How to handle netcode?

8 votes

Games development with a game loop that's abstracted away

7 votes

Game Code Design for Rendering

7 votes

Should I learn 3DS Max or Maya?

6 votes

What are some good game development programs for kids?

6 votes

Graphics capabilities differences between mobile and desktop/console platforms?

5 votes

Faster way to draw dynamic meshes in OpenGL ES

5 votes

Why do my 512x512 bitmaps look jaggy on Android OpenGL?

5 votes

My Ambient lighting is not working correctly

5 votes

What are the texture coordinates for a tetrahedron

3 votes

Is it a good idea to render many textures into one texture?

3 votes

Game development: Art vs Programming

3 votes

How do I make objects move along a path?

2 votes

OpenGL - How to draw a transition of two textures on one quad?

2 votes

XNA Sprite mouse selection with layered/overlapping sprites

2 votes

How much RAM or CPU configuration is required for good rendering

1 vote

How do I create menu with text in OpenGL?

1 vote

Common light map practices

1 vote

Texture mapping on gluDisk

1 vote

How to improve the performance of my OpenGL rendering context?

1 vote

AABB of rotated sprite?

0 votes

Ray vs AABB (2D) reporting hits

0 votes

How do I restrict the movement of a point to within a radius of another?

0 votes

How can I automate high-level user interactions to test correctness of my game?

0 votes

Ball bouncing within polygon

0 votes

How would I setup fog to follow a players coordinates?