I first created a game on the iPhone and I'm now porting it to Android. I wrote most of the code in C++, but when it came to porting it wasn't so easy. The Android's way is to have two threads, one for rendering and one for updating - this due to some devices blocking when updating the hardware - while the iPhone's way is to have one thread to do it all.
My problem is that I am coming from the iPhone. When I transition, say from the Menu to the Game, I would stop the Animation (Rendering) and load up the next Manager (the Menu has a Manager and so has the Game). I could implement the same thing on Android, but I have noticed on game ports like Quake, don't do this - as far as I can tell.
What I want is someone to explain how a game like Quake can transition from the menu to the game? Does it stop rendering, load the game stuff and then start rendering again, like what I did on the iPhone? Does it load the game stuff while still rendering the menu?
Interestingly, when I did try to load a Renderer class while renderering I would get a dequeuing buffer error - which I believe to be OpenGL ES. Was I just doing something wrong or is it possible to load textures and buffers, while it's rendering?
Examples would be appreciated.