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Should a bowling game use a 2d or a 3d physics engine?

When developing games it is important to separate the game mechanics from the game representation on the screen. The game mechanics of bowling can be simplified to a pure 2d simulation by looking at ...
Philipp's user avatar
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3 votes

How can we test a section of a game?

They have console commands. There is a reason skyrim has all the commands in it. That game was very extensibly tested. And because it has couple hundred hours of content with every cave and guild, ...
Bálint's user avatar
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Feasible to do all game logic on PHP server?

It depends on your skill at programming, but it should be feasible. Remember, Facebook was built in PHP and it serves a pretty big crowd. A better question might be if PHP is the best choice for what ...
Erik's user avatar
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2 votes

How can we test a section of a game?

A bad development team would hire a bunch of QA staff (testers) to play the game over and over again, reporting bugs into an ever vacuous database. Even with the aid of console commands this is an ...
Huxellberger's user avatar
1 vote

Better way than url-encoded query stings to pass data from PHP to Flash?

What you have here is basically a RESTful webservice API. The client communicates with the backend using HTTP requests with the request parameters in the query string. The backend then answers the ...
Philipp's user avatar
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Is there any way to change the layering of objects in Actionscript 3 without altering the run order?

When you say "runs the instances" what logic specifically are you talking about? You should not be processing game logic by looping over DisplayObject.children. ...
Engineer's user avatar
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How does Actionscript choose which order to run objects' code in?

If your are working on Flash or Adobe Animate area, change the depth of your MovieClips to change the order of running them by select and press ctrl+shift+(UP or DOWN).
MESepehr's user avatar
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Character jumping but not returning to ground platform game AS3

You forgot to add Newton's listens about gravity here :D. change the function gameLoop with mine and add tree variable out of it. ...
MESepehr's user avatar
  • 151
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Camera and enemy behaviour in AS3 platformer

It has been a while since I used AS3, but... I believe you are expanding the hitbox of the enemy by adding bullets as children. Even when the bullets are removed from the enemy, the hitbox stays ...
Kyy13's user avatar
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Reversing translational dependency of Sprite on Mouse instantaneously at runtime without causing the sprite to jump

It might be easier to take a delta, so record the position of the mouse in the last frame/update, then multiply the distances (change between last position and current position) by the desired amount (...
benh's user avatar
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AS3 move object to a point

So here is what I would do: In the Monster class constructor, you need to pass the player instance and store it, this way each monster will be able to know its target and chase it. Add an event ...
Lazy Developer's user avatar
1 vote

AS3 Client not sending movement to server

Have you tried calling Socket.flush()? According to the documentation: Flushes any accumulated data in the socket's output buffer. On some operating systems, flush(...
Lazy Developer's user avatar
1 vote

Air AS3 Desktop - Detecting wrong screen resolution and coordinate offset

In order to listen to stage resize, orintation change, and to position items correctly on your screen, the only option is: Stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT; Stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; ...
FilippoG's user avatar
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2D Change Velocity Based on Distance XY While Moving Parabolic Arc

Background info: line drawing algorithms A similar problem to yours is the line drawing problem, i.e. how to draw a "smooth" line on a raster display (a display with discrete pixels). A famous ...
Jelle van Campen's user avatar
1 vote

How to detect 2D line on line collision?

The accepted answer gave a wrong answer in this case: x1 = 0; y1 = 0; x2 = 10; y2 = 10; x3 = 10.1; y3 = 10.1; x4 = 15; y4 = 15; These lines obviously don't ...
joram's user avatar
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How to detect 2D line on line collision?

I just want to say, I needed it for my Gamemaker Studio game and it works well: ...
Lukáš Čulen's user avatar

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