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Advertising before seeking a publisher

I'm nearing competition of my first title and I'd like to seek out publishers but I'm also eager to show it off on social media. Should I hold off until I've spoken to publishers or is it mostly ...
Brody Peel's user avatar
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How to handle a Google Play game's privacy policy

I am trying to release a mobile game (insert obligatory sellout statement for Chunk of Space) on Google Play, and I'm worried about their privacy policy system. Basically, if you mark your game as "...
Dawdle's user avatar
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Marketing PC/Android 2d Physics Game [closed]

I've been working on a game for couple years now, its fairly original, has definite potential within an indie market, and appeal for the masses also. I want to deploy on Android and PC, green-light ...
CodeHard_or_HardCode's user avatar
3 votes
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How do you manage a crowdfunding campaign for an indie game?

I am a programmer and I recently started creating small games in C++. It was to practice my skills and learn more about game development and the techniques used to program a game. Recently I got the ...
kdnooij's user avatar
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Grow first, Ads later for mobile games?

Facebook's strategy has been to Grow First, include Ads Later. For mobile games, is there any evidence that ads hinder popularity, or that people are more likely to share games without ads? Or as ...
John McDonald's user avatar