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6 votes

How can I make an update patch for a Unity game on Windows?

Specifically for Unity, you're correct that AssetBundles cannot update script code. You can use bundles for updating data, but any actual code changes will require a new version of the main game .exe ...
Sean Middleditch's user avatar
4 votes

How to use AssetBundles with Unity WebGL

Got it working with the following LoadBundle method: ...
Jasper Citi's user avatar
4 votes

Unity is single thread then why unity webgl says asset bundles are load in main thread

Unity does run multiple threads, but NOT in WebGL. Standard unity and most of it's target platforms that support multithreading will use multithreading. If you've ever had your game freeze and heard ...
gjh33's user avatar
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3 votes

Advantage of Using Addressable Over Asset Bundles in Unity

The main advantage of Addressables is that they make it very easy for your game to acquire a certain asset by name at runtime. This used to be pretty annoying with asset bundles. First you had to know ...
Philipp's user avatar
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2 votes

Open world loading/unloading with asset bundle in unity

I am assuming you are loading AssetBundle at Start. If so then your method DeactivateDistantTiles() is too expensive to be ...
Saad Anees's user avatar
2 votes

Reducing disk space needed to use TextMeshPro in AssetBundles

Step one is to determine what is being included in multiple asset bundles that can be included in just one. This tool lets you look at what is ...
Ed Marty's user avatar
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2 votes

Create and serve AssetBundle at runtime

You don’t seem to have a lot of questions here, so I’ll answer the ones I see. Loading an asset bundle from a web server using a normal http/s URL works just fine. It can also load bundles from ...
Ed Marty's user avatar
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2 votes

Creating Asset Bundle in Unity 2021

From the screenshot, ABEncryption seems to be a MonoBehaviour you attach to a GameObject, ...
starikcetin's user avatar
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2 votes

Asset Bundle download from server: how does one prevent scripted attack?

The reason that Unity does not provide any specific mechanism to limit download requests is that the Unity Engine powers your client-side application. It does not run your asset-serving server, and ...
DMGregory's user avatar
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2 votes

When loading only one item from the asset bundle in Unity, does the whole asset bundle need to get downloaded?

Yes, the whole asset bundle will be downloaded. A webserver can't look into the asset bundles and deliver just a part of it. It's all or nothing. So if you want to optimize the loading times and ...
Philipp's user avatar
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1 vote

"Graphics device is null" error on a Linux dedicated server build

Apparently, the issue was caused by not instantiating the assets from the main thread. I made a custom implementation for forcing the method to run in the main thread, and it is now solved. This is ...
Omer Simchoni's user avatar
1 vote

How to create closed source Unity bundle

You can compile your code into a managed plugin (DLL). However, be aware that DLLs can be decompiled by third-party tools back into source code. It's not something I've tried myself, but IIRC I've ...
Kevin's user avatar
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1 vote

Advantage of Using Addressable Over Asset Bundles in Unity

Personally I also don't get it. If you made the game and you saved your content intelligently then knowing where an asset is located is as easy as knowing the filepath to it (rather than a file url). ...
JansenSensei's user avatar
1 vote

How to build only specified assets into assetbundle in unity

After the advent of the Asset Bundle Browser tool many things have become easy. Like you can get the dependency of the asset or you can manually drag and drop the asset in asset bundle.
Muhammad Faizan Khan's user avatar
1 vote

Unity is single thread then why unity webgl says asset bundles are load in main thread

What Unity doesn’t support in JavaScript is multiple threads. So there is only ever the single main thread of execution. If there were multiple threads, Unity would be able to run LZMA decompression ...
Ed Marty's user avatar
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1 vote

Open world loading/unloading with asset bundle in unity

I would suggest that you sort these chunks into a lookup table, either a 2D array GameObject[,] or a ...
Jannek's user avatar
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