Linked Questions

-3 votes
3 answers

RPG hit/miss formula [duplicate]

Ive been developing an RPG for sometime, and its far enough now where I need to get some formulas down for attacking and whatnot. What Im looking to understand is a basic hit and miss formula based on ...
Rekar's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Balancing Attack to Defense in a text based RPG [duplicate]

I understand that there is no correct or incorrect way of doing this, and its all down to a matter of trial and error in terms of perfecting the system. What I am after is some advice or even get ...
Kyle's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Trouble figuring out some attack/defense formulas. What should I change? [duplicate]

I'm working on something which requires a hunter to attack an animal. This is what I have so far. Attacker/Weapon POV Level - 1 to 50 Base - base attack level of the weapon Weapon Impact - ...
Alexandru Lucian Susma's user avatar
24 votes
5 answers

Simple Diminishing Return with Cap

Problem Player obtains 5 points per level up to level 80 with a maximum of 400. There are 5 stats to be distributed to and no maximum limit to how much you can add to a stat. Strength Endurance ...
Nick's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Browser RPG fight calculation formula

I am making a simple browser rpg game, similar to battleknight. To keep the game simple, I have just Strength, Constitution, and Luck, but since Luck is based on randomness, I'm struggling with combat ...
tprieboj's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How to calculate player damage in a game

I'm developing an RPG and I want to do the damage calculation in my game. I have for example the following situation: Player 1 Stats: ...
Crazy's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

RPG like hit points growth algorithms help

I am currently making an XNA game in C#. I want to increase health as the player level up. I am currently using this equation. MaxHealth = Convert.ToInt32(100 * Math.Pow(1.17, level - 1)); Its ...
MasterXD's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

What kind of system can I use to balance an RPG?

I'm developing a 2D RPG game, like Zelda. I've developed a first version, for studies. Now, I'd like rewrite it in better way The character has strength, agility, willpower, constitution, dexterity ...
Nate B.'s user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

What score/level function is often used?

In many games you raise a level when you reach a certain score, and later levels are harder to reach than in the beginning. I am suspecting that it is some sort of exponential function that is used ...
Sandra Schlichting's user avatar
1 vote
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How to handle a player's level and its consequent privileges?

I'm building a game similar to Mafia Wars where a player can do tasks for his gang and gain experience and thus advancing his level. The game is built using PHP and a Mysql database. In the game I ...
Songo's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How do I calculate/weight a diminishing damage formula based on N targets?

I'm making a game and had a look at the questions about calculating damage/diminishing returns here and here but I haven't quite been able to come up with a logarithmic function that satisfies this ...
GrayedFox's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Manage massive items game data in an Android Idle Game

I'm working on an Android Idle game, with many items that user can buy in each level, that each of them has more than 50 levels who can be updated by the user. Each item in each specific level can ...
user1579019's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Min - Max Weapon Damage formula in video games

I currently working on an RPG game and I'm looking for are formula for creating/generating a min-max weapon damage for an item. Why in Diablo for example, when a weapon is dropped from an enemy, the ...
Eli's user avatar
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Need Help Figuring Out Damage Calculations for Diablo RPG Clone

I'm building a Diablo clone using Unreal Engine 4 and have been having trouble wrapping my head around how the combat calculations should work. I copied a lot of the core stats from the original ...
CrashTestDummy's user avatar