Character falls through the Platform Effector 2D in Unity. How can I fix it?
Here is the demonstration:
I tried changing the Edit - Project Settings... - Physics 2D - Default Contact Offset from the current 0.01 value to the 0.1 value. The result is the same and here is the demonstration of it:
Here are my settings for the platform:
Here are my settings for the character's RigidBody 2D:
Here is what character colliders look like when my character runs:
I basically run the recorded inside Unity animation of running and move my character with the help of the:
private void FixedUpdate()
... some code which computes the velocity vector depending on the input (the pressed buttons)
characterRigidBody2D.velocity = velocityVector;
I googled for a while now similar issues, but was not able to find a solution. I want to avoid the character falling down randomly during running.