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Adobe Flash is a cross-platform multimedia runtime used to embed animations, video, and interactive applications into web pages.

1 vote

Can I extract Flash SWF sprite frames to bitmaps?

Flash itself has an option for something like Export to PNG Sequence. Texture Packer also can import a SWF. …
jhocking's user avatar
  • 15.8k
0 votes

How can I save a global high score for all players in AS3?

You're going to need some sort of external server for the players to connect to over the internet. SharedObject means "shared between instances on this computer", but players on other computers have n …
jhocking's user avatar
  • 15.8k
1 vote

How can I manage an animated UI from ActionScript?

There are multiple ways to address this problem, but my recommendation would be to use a tweening library like TweenLite. For simpler animations you can simply write the animations in code, and for ot …
jhocking's user avatar
  • 15.8k
1 vote

Should I create .fla files in Flash Professional and import them into Flash Builder?

You can use Flash Professional to create graphics and do your animating, building the content as .swfs, and then import those into Flash Builder where you do all the programming. … Flash Builder doesn't do anything with .fla files directly. …
jhocking's user avatar
  • 15.8k
1 vote

Splitting a large number of FLAs into multiple gifs

There are a number of swf-to-png-sequence tools out there you might want to try. For example, Zoe from CreateJS is used for this purpose and may give good results for the specific way you've organized …
jhocking's user avatar
  • 15.8k
0 votes

Swap Child and Child's Child

I did not until just this moment even know swapChildren() exists. Reading the description it seems pretty pointless to me. For what you want I would just use calls like object1.parent and parent.addCh …
jhocking's user avatar
  • 15.8k
1 vote

Tile-based maps in AS3

Various Flash game frameworks have this sort of functionality built in. The gist: 1) Load your map data. … Lookup how to load XML/JSON in Flash. 2) Loop through the data in order to figure out where to place tiles. 2b) While looping through the data, instantiate the appropriate images and place them at the …
jhocking's user avatar
  • 15.8k
2 votes

Exporting the frames in a Flash CS5.5 animation and possibly creating the spritesheet

There's a tool called SWFSheet specifically intended for that purpose, but personally I prefer the approach bummzack explained, of exporting the frames to a PNG sequence and then using a tool like Tex …
jhocking's user avatar
  • 15.8k
7 votes

Convert Flash game to work on Android devices

petr's answer assumes you already know how to deploy a Flash app on Android; maybe you already know that, but you don't mention it in your question so I want to point out that you can package a Flash . …
jhocking's user avatar
  • 15.8k
2 votes

What is the best way to handle MouseEvents in AS3?

I recommend adding events to the MovieClips of interest and not a general handler on the stage that you then sort into different objects. The massive switch statement or whatever that you'd be writing …
jhocking's user avatar
  • 15.8k
4 votes

A decent design for handling large creation/deletion of random objects?

Unless I am misunderstanding the situation you are asking about, this seems like premature optimization to me. I would say implement whatever technique is most straightforward for you. You can optimiz …
jhocking's user avatar
  • 15.8k
0 votes

Movie clip in a button changes on hover

I wouldn't use a Button object. "Button" is simply a shortcut for some common button functionality like mouseover and click states; you can set mouse event listeners on any MovieClip. You probably als …
jhocking's user avatar
  • 15.8k
4 votes

How to calculate vector that is perpendicular to the direction of moving in Flash?

Well as explained here it is pretty easy to get the perpendicular vector from the movement vector: Let's say you have a boat that has cannons that fire to the left and right. Given that the boat …
jhocking's user avatar
  • 15.8k
2 votes

Is there a SDK for 2D games that will deploy to PC, Flash and Android?

I would recommend use Flash to develop for desktop browsers, and then port to a mobile development tool like Corona SDK. …
1 vote

Getting Started With Web-based Games....Can I Reasonably Target Flash And Silverlight And HT...

I don't know if this hits Silverlight, but you can develop games that work on a ton of platforms using monkey
jhocking's user avatar
  • 15.8k

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