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A game based on the concept of a deck of playing cards. Either the standard 52 card deck (poker, solitaire) or a custom deck defined within the game (Magic the Gathering, Munchkin).

0 votes
0 answers

How to store an ability mechanic?

damage, another gives additonal damage, another doubles it's damage, so those are completely different abilites. … But I don't know where and how to store these abilites. How is it made? I think it's not possible to store this information in the DB. Or is it? …
0 votes
1 answer

Attaching scripts which trigger on specified events to objects

.]; Where I would have defined the abilities fireImmunity, drawCardOnPlay, and all others in some convenient location. … Of course, I could manually define these abilities on each card, but that seems like a short route to insanity: many cards will share the abilities. …
1 vote

Attaching scripts which trigger on specified events to objects

But there are some quirks of card games like the ones you reference that will often make us reach for a more custom version of this: Card abilities often stack or modify one another. … We need to have an ability to partially execute a set of modifiers on a card, then suspend execution to resume later. …
DMGregory's user avatar
  • 136k
0 votes
0 answers

How to implement special abilities in turn based card game (and in games in general)?

UnitAbility(Unit owner, List<AbilityData> abilityDatas) { this.owner = owner; foreach (AbilityData abilityData in abilityDatas) { abilities.Add(abilityData.CreateAbilityability in abilities) { IDamageModifier damageModifier = ability as IDamageModifier; if (ability.IsActive && damageModifier ! …
6 votes
2 answers

How to create data driven effects/abilities for collectable card game

I have a simple example: My two cards have the following abilities 1) "Increase the value of all adjacent red cards by 1" 2) "Increase the value of this card by the amount of all adjacent red cards …
0 votes

How should I implement card effects in a card game?

For example, you can have an index of triggered abilities by the type of event that triggers them, and when anything happens you could Enumerate all relevant triggered abilities for the event (e.g. … "when a creature enters the battlefield" doesn't trigger for a land) Ask the players in which order they want to stack the triggers Put trigger ability objects on the stack And the rest is the common …
Lorenzo Gatti's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Game Design - Challenging a player in an RPG-like game without removing easy cards

As the player progresses through the game, he gains better abilities to fight the monsters and animals with. …
1 vote

Game Design - Challenging a player in an RPG-like game without removing easy cards

, while it seems the player's abilities increase faster, something like O(n^2), O(e^n), or O(n^log(n)). … Don't just focus on the monsters - some overpowered or underpowered player abilities can also remove the player from the desired curve. …
Peter's user avatar
  • 9,955
3 votes
3 answers

How can I dynamically load the correct sprite from a sprite sheet?

In my particular game different cards are worth different values and have various special abilities. …
4 votes

CCG Design - How to define text descriptions

This will allow you to tweak your abilities and definitions to your hearts content at a later time without having to manually adjust many many descriptions. … Combine this with parameterisation, the ability for your code to read in parameter values / attributes from the XML to affect how the traits etc. function and you will have the flexibility to change your …
xan's user avatar
  • 474
17 votes
3 answers

How to implement trading card game's "special effects cards"?

I have some idea of storing the card's data with some flags that can signal what kind of ability it has, but that would be very limited in what it can do (only some simple stats modification, maybe). …
6 votes

How would one approach developing an AI for a trading card game

The basic algorithm is: Create a list of valid moves (spells, abilities, pass ...). Execute each move to generate a new state then create a new list of valid moves. … Things to improve: Mana abilities (e.g land tapping) need to be treated differently. Do not declare all possible combinations of attackers and blockers, use some 'quick combat' heuristics. …
Gregor Slavec's user avatar
1 vote

How to implement trading card game's "special effects cards"?

All the options and abilities will get defined in the db in that single row. …
appthat's user avatar
  • 111
1 vote

How would one approach developing an AI for a trading card game

Next the AI has to know a strategy, as these card games generally have multiple sections and/or possible types of cards. example: magic, attack, monsters, abilities, weapons and so on... …
Rivasa's user avatar
  • 333
18 votes

How to implement trading card game's "special effects cards"?

Every Action, every Trigger, every Ability is an object. Zones like Hand, Library are objects too, needless to say. … Every action puts a number of trigger on a stack, where every other ability can check whether or not they care about that particular trigger, and if they do, they fire their own actions, potentially creating …
Hackworth's user avatar
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