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1 answer

what are texcoord tags in mesh.xml file in Ogrexml format?

I exported a 3d model from blender 2.79 and using ogrexml import/export plugin. but the texture will crash and UV map not working in that format. I made the model by four parts head-body-hands-shoes ...
2 votes
1 answer

How do I create a manual object with colors for each vertex?

How do I create a shaded manual object with colours for each vertex? Eg if ogreObj is the Ogre::ManualObject : ...
0 votes
1 answer

Trouble in 3DS MAX 2016 exported ogre.mesh file refering the correct .material

Actually we have some trouble in exporting ogre mesh + material files correctly from 3dsmax. We are using "Easy Ogre Exporter V 2.40" for the export to ogre format. And actually just testing its ...
0 votes
1 answer

Ogre: Light not reflecting correctly

In my Ogre 3d scene I have an empty box, and within that there are three small cubes. The camera is also within the box, facing the three small cubes. The user can move and rotate the camera with the ...