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How to export 3ds Max wsm to Unity?

I have made a cylinder in 3DS MAX. I then added a wave WSM. I then made the animation so it waves a bit. Then exported it to unity. The animation works perfectly in 3ds max. When I import it to unity ...
TeachMeEverything's user avatar
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How can I generate isometric sprites based on a 3d model? [duplicate]

I'm wondering about the following: I'd like to create isometric sprites for a game that I'm currently developing. Rather than asking an artist to draw numerous sprites (which will be quite costly), ...
Salmiak's user avatar
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Physique and exports from 3ds Max

Are there any file formats that support Physique and are compatible with Unity? I really don't want to start over from scratch and have to use the Skin modifier...
Paul Ferris's user avatar
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3dsmax crashes when exporting

I'm trying to export a (.max) file to openCOLLADA (.dae). Whenever I do this, 3dsmax crashes and produces this error: An error has occurred and the application will now close. No scene ...
odoc's user avatar
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3 answers

Why does exporting to FBX in 3dmax loses simulated animation

I made a cloth simulation (wind blowing a cloth). When I export it to FXB and the animation box is ticked on export menu it seems ok (no error in longs). When I reload it to Unity. or 3DMAX again. The ...
Bence's user avatar
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