Linked Questions

3 votes
5 answers

How to "place" object in a 3d world without overlapping them ?

I would like to place object in a 3d world "like minecraft player can do". What I'm trying to do is to allow the user to place objects, without overlapping them (like in minecraft you can do). So ...
stighy's user avatar
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In collision detection/resolution, what is a "collide and slide" algorithm?

Can anyone help me to better understand the concepts behind this algorithm? I've seen this phrase come up several times during my research into creating a 3D character controller, but am having issues ...
Ginger and Lavender's user avatar
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2 answers

Dragging a Rigidbody2D without passing through obstacles

I have this body of code written for an object that needs to be an obstacle and another object that is draggable. I have colliders on both and a kinematic rigidbody on the draggable object, but the ...
MContributor's user avatar
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detect collision between two circles and sliding them on each other

I'm trying to detect collision between two circles like this: ...
adam west's user avatar
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Wall sliding collision resolution with multiple objects

TLDR My collision resolution algorithm with wall sliding works perfect for multiple walls but it fails when the angle of the corner of two walls is less than 90 degrees. (acute angles) and the player ...
Ciberman's user avatar
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How to drag an object with mouse with collision?

I want to drag a GameObject with the mouse but I need collision. The basic mouse dragging code simply sets the position of the object to the hit.point with an ...
mr-matt's user avatar
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How to perform a sliding collision between a square and a circle?

Please point me to the duplicate if this has been asked before. I couldn't find it. Basically, I am creating a 2d top-down game where the player is represented by a circle, and the tiles are ...
Ryan Peschel's user avatar
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2 answers

Resolving collisions after initial collision

Given a sweep test for a ray, how do we check collisions after the 1st collision has been detected, and the ray has been deflected. Physics system steps are: Update velocities (gravity, etc) Resolve ...
Mknsri's user avatar
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javascript top down circle to circle smooth collision detection

I've been looking through a lot of answers here: Resolving Circle-Circle collision Circle to Circle collision, checking each circle against all others Nestling into contact with a group of physics ...
B''H Bi'ezras -- Boruch Hashem's user avatar
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Preventing overlap in OnCollisionEnter2D

So I have successfully built a script that can determine the physics for a ball reflecting linearly off of walls, similar to pong, while the ball is using a kinematic rigidbody. The issue is when the ...
Morgan's user avatar
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character movment and physics on 2d game

I'm developing a client/server multiplayer game. in server side i need prevent players cross map objects like walls also i need prevent player go inside each others, instead want to slide them along ...
Mamad R's user avatar
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How to construct this collision vector?

I have a 3d game, but for movement I use only two axes (X and Z) - X is vertical, Z is horizontal Here's what I'm trying to achieve: Player is the circle, InputDirection is Blue, NewInputDirection ...
Jacob's user avatar
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How to prevent Dynamic Rigidbody2d with large mass pushing another Rigidbody2d into BoxCollider2D

I'm making a prototype for a game idea but hitting a problem :( Quite new to Unity and feel like this should be relatively easy to solve, but keep going around in circles, and hoping to get some help :...
pyko's user avatar
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Subtracting magnitude from 2D circle contact

I'm trying to create an clone. In, each player can have multiple cells that "chase" the mouse pointer. The cells can also have multiple masses and the velocity is tied to the mass. The ...
Ben Hoff's user avatar
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Get final position of Moving object along the collision surface using ProjectOnPlane

I have a problem to get the final position of moving object along the collision surface.. as you can see in picture <1> i want to get moveAmount. so i get sameLengthWithDiffProjected on picture &...
Hree's user avatar
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Can't hit collider when rotating while go along with wall

as you can see in the picture, my character go along with wall. it detected wall by capsulecast. (the direction of capsulecasting is forward of character) when it go straight, capsulecast hit the wall ...
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