I was trying to upload my andoid app apk build to my play console account and I keep getting this error:
You uploaded a debuggable APK or Android App Bundle. For security reasons you need to disable debugging before it can be published in Google Play.
In accordance with the informations given at
Here are what I have done so far:
1) I have gone to the root folder of my unity project, searched for AndroidManifest.xml, and I found multiple Manifest files, and changed the value of "android:debuggable" to false for each of these manifest files that were generated by unity(and I did not edit the google generated manifest files).
2) I have scanned every c# file on my project that contains the keyword "Debug" and I have either deleted or commented out the Debug.log lines except on the files generated by google(as a result of the integration of google play services into my game).
And yet, I still have the same problem when I try to upload my apk to play console. What else am I missing? Should I also remove the Debug.log lines from google generated c# script files?