From what I gathered (like in this thread or here) I am allowed to push my own game code on github and choose a license, as long as I avoid putting assets I do not own. I want to make it public to be able to show it (to potential employers for instance) but I cannot make it open source as I plan to use paid assets (like DoozyUI).
I can avoid pushing the asset itself on the repo (with .gitignore for instance). Should I prevent gameobjects created with this package to be pushed as well ? That would make the game unusable, even with the rights to use the package...
Once that is settled, Is it ok to push it to github without license ?
Specifically, I do not know if objects generated by a paid asset are still considered that asset or not...
Edit: I asked the question directly to DoozyUI support, which quickly responded :
You can upload your project, without the Doozy folder. Thus excluding our source code from being shared. Also, unsert a disclaimer letting anyone know that DoozyUI is required to be installed (before getting your files) for the project to work.
You can share any GameObject (or prefabs) you create, but they will not work if DoozyUI is not installed due to missing references (scripts). Once Doozy is installed, they will work as expected. Thus anyone who has the system will be able to see/use your project.