I think the easiest thing would be to solve it as a 2 dimensional problem. Further, if the constraints are such that each room must be 'closed' then it turns into a point-in-polygon problem, which is easy to solve - essentially a test is performed whereby a segment from the point to some infinite distance is tested against each segment of the polygon. If the number of times the ray crosses segments is odd, the point is inside the polygon. If it is even, the point is outside the polygon. There's already an answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/217578/point-in-polygon-aka-hit-test
As noted by Wondra's comment & answer, it may be more bullet proof to use the signed winding number method instead, which handles self intersecting polygons and polygons with whole inside them. There is a C++ implementation is found here: http://geomalgorithms.com/a03-_inclusion.html
You just need to track the polygon's vertices as the room is created for this to work.
The other thing you'll want to do is to take each room's minimum and maximum points to create an axis aligned bounding box. Prior to testing a room's polygon, test if the player's point is inside the bounding box. If it is not, then there is no point doing further tests for that room. Point-in-AABB 2D is very fast - check if Point.x is >= AABB.min.x and Point.X <= AABB.max.x, and the same for point.Y. This will greatly increase the performance of your search.
Finally, if you have a lot of rooms, you will want to organize your AABBs into a spatial structure to speed that up even more - either a grid, quad-tree or balanced AABB tree (look at Box2D's broadphase for this one - dynamic bounding volume).
As Loren Pechtel outlined in his comment, the grid would store a linked list in each cell of the rooms that overlap the cell. Then you could use the player's position to lookup the cell, which would then have a linked list of the rooms to test. When in the middle of a room you would have only one item in the grid-cell's list. This could be the fastest approach for spatial partitioning if the balance of grid size and room size is correct.
Good luck