I wish to achieve a snowing effect on my game. The game is made in LibGDX and im using ParticleEmitter. I created a snow effect in ParticleEditor which consists in a line which spawns snow flakes. The problem is:
First, and the most important, since the game movement is vertical (its a jumper), if i just place the line above the screen, the jumping makes it look unnatural since when im jumping up, and the camera follows me, the particle emitter also has to move up, and the snow flakes are spawned with a bigger vertical distance; And when Im going down from the jump, a section of closer snowflakes is spawned due to that occurence. That makes the snow visually inconsistent.
Second, i wanted the snow to show up filling the screen from the start, instead of it starting to follow when the emitter is started.
To try to fix the first problem, i made the snow screen static, but it looks horrible, i really want the feeling that the snow is falling and my character is going up against it.
Any ideas how to achieve such an effect?