I'm working on a single player sports game for a year or so and this doubt came up: how should I treat/store big amounts of data, like player names.
Let's take an arbitrary number as example: 10000 names, 5000 first names and 5000 surnames. These names would be equally divided between 100 countries, which give us 50 first names and 50 surnames per country.
Should I have a local database with these names (or even these countries) considering this data will be needed to generate new players names during the course of the game? Would that introduce limitations, considering I want to make my game moddable by players, as much as possible?
These doubts can be extended to other, more complex game entities, such as:
- Players - each one with their own face, attributes, team etc...
- Teams - each one with its own crest, kit, squad etc...
In my previous research about that, the SQLite popped up as a seemingly viable solution. It happens that I have almost no experience with DB's (specially in games) and would like to know if this is a good direction before start to study and try to implement it.