I'm currently making a shoot em up in monogame.
I want to add just one animation to my object. No commands or transitions between animations for different actions: just an object swapping between different images all the time.
For example, my player will have 4 different images for it and I'd want it to always swap trough these images.
Animation guides I've reviewed seem way too complicated for my needs. Unlike the examples they cover, I don't want different animations for different commands.
How can I make this type of simple, always-looping frame animation?
I managed to make a constantly looping animation to a sprite and but I don't know how to insert into myPlayer.
Texture2D myPlayerAnim;
Rectangle myDestRect;
Rectangle mySourceRect;
Texture2D myEnemyAnim;
Rectangle myEnemyDestRect;
Rectangle myEnemySourceRect;
float myElapsed;
float myDelay = 100f;
int myFrames = 0;
myDestRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 512, 512);
myEnemyDestRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 808, 608);
myPlayerAnim = Content.Load<Texture2D>("SpriteSheetPlayerAnim");
myEnemyAnim = Content.Load<Texture2D>("SpriteSheetEnemyAnim");
myElapsed += (float)aGameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds;
if (myElapsed >= myDelay)
if (myFrames >= 3)
myFrames = 0;
myElapsed = 0;
mySourceRect = new Rectangle(512 * myFrames, 0, 512, 512);
myEnemySourceRect = new Rectangle(808 * myFrames, 0, 808, 608);
mySpriteBatch.Draw(myPlayerAnim, myDestRect , mySourceRect,
mySpriteBatch.Draw(myEnemyAnim, myEnemyDestRect, myEnemySourceRect,
Draw just draws the animations out but I don't know how to insert it into myPlayer. For myPlayer I currently have this but I couldn't figure out how to do it with my animations.
myPlayer = new Player(TextureLibrary.GetTexture("player"), myPlayerPos, 200, new Vector2(.3f, .3f), 0, Color.White, 1000, 1);
texture atlases
) is lying in this link: Texture Atlases - Part 1 Just follow the tutorial from the beginning. Hope this helps! \$\endgroup\$