I wanted to incorporate changing location in an rpg, so I began by creating a class Location and assign every Location to a multi-dimensonal array, like so:
WorldMap[0, 0] = new Location("Majula");
I created two int variables named LocationY and LocationX set to the starting location. Now I got a command handler, when I type "Move South", I update the position with this dead simple code:
Mind you, this is just for testing purposes, I just like to break a game into many small components that gets added as I get, or know better.
Now when I want to get my current location, I call it like this:
Console.WriteLine("He then headed south, until he arrived at {0}", WorldMap[PlayerLocationY, PlayerLocationX].Name);
That's cool and all, and it works, but I don't like typing too much if I can avoid it, so I wanted to change the call of WorldMap[PlayerLocationY, PlayerLocationX].Name
to something more readable like currentLocation.Name
So I tried this bit of code:
Location currentLocation = WorldMap[PlayerLocationY, PlayerLocationX];
Obviously, I get a NullReferenceException... I'm completely clueless, and I'm sure I'll probably say to myself "duh" when I'll get an answer.
And yeah, still learning, Console still rocks my socks!