I am making a board game where the players hit a dice and move on an array of GameObjects according to the number they got.
So I declared a Gameobject array and added to it all the objects I need.
The problem is that when the player moves, he is going immediately to the target.
What I want is to make the player move through the Gameobject array, object by object, till it reaches the target(which is defined according to the dice number).
Here is what I am trying (using C#):
for(int i=0;i<spaces.Length;i++)
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position,
spaces[currentPosition+diceResult].transform.position,Time.deltaTime / smooth );
spaces is the name of GameObject[] array.
currentPosition is the position of player before hitting the dice.
diceResult is the number he got in the dice.
I solved it!
Here is how it worked:
if (index < spaces.Length)
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position,
spaces[index].transform.position, Time.deltaTime *smooth);
//If we've reached the destination, move to the next one
if (transform.position == spaces[index].transform.position)