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Multiple Lines with Single LineRenderer

I have a database of country, state, and even county level borders and I'm stuck in a situation where I either have 1000+ linerenderers in the scene OR I have a single line that connects every border ...
Jacksonkr's user avatar
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Why do we get artifacts on objects rendered using depth node + depth render camera on Android?

I've encountered and error I can't seem to find online. I get it on all the water shaders I test, and any thing else that I have a depth node + depth render script on the camera for. I'll share a bit ...
AllanMac's user avatar
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Why does my shader's Texture become unselected when I run my game?

I'd like to add a custom material to a line that I'm drawing in Unity (using Vectrosity). I'm using Unity's built-in "Unlit/Texture" shader. When I drag a texture from my Resources directory into ...
Nathan Friend's user avatar
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Enable/ Disable Line Renderer points

I have a Line Renderer component with 4 points, I would like to disable and enable the last 2 points at a certain time. My question is, how would I in code (C#) enable and disable individual Line ...
John Smith's user avatar
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LineRenderer sorting order - lines always in front of everything

I have 3 cameras and 3 canvases. Back Camera: depth = -5, Back Canvas: Sorting layer - BackLayer, Camera: depth = 0, Middle Canvas: Sorting layer - MiddleLayer, Camera: depth = 10, Front Canvas: ...
Jacob's user avatar
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How to correctly draw a 2D polygon in Unity

I'm trying to draw a 2D polygon using GL.Line; however I'm not getting a polygon but separated lines instead. In the example below, I would expect a rectangle formed by the spheres: My code is the ...
beitomartinez's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

How to make Line Renderer lines stay flat?

I've noticed that as I add more vertexes to a Line Renderer line the line twists and stops being a smooth line. .GIF Here: All lines are on the same z level, even if ...
Douglas Gaskell's user avatar
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How to create laser redirection?

Think portal 2, where a laser can go through a cube, and depending on the rotation of that cube, it will redirect it. Examples: Here is my barely functioning code. It works for one cube, I'm able to ...
darkvalley's user avatar