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Need to generate seamless gradient noise texture for water Shader [duplicate]

I need to generate something like this for my water Shader, because on fly calculations are to expensive for mobile ([email protected]/manual/Gradient-Noise-...
Janis Taranda's user avatar
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Wrapping 3D noise functions like simplex and perlin in c# [duplicate]

I'm experimenting with loop-able worlds that have a height-map for terrain data. While I can easily create loop-able .BMP textures for this in Photoshop and just load the terrain from them, but that ...
That Homeless Guy's user avatar
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How to create a map-like (clouds) texture [duplicate]

If you place a map of the world on a sphere, it will look like the image is continuous. Basically the left end of the image is sort of a continuation of the right end. You won't be able to see any ...
async's user avatar
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Simple noise generation

I'm looking to generate noise that looks like this: (images courtesy of Understanding Perlin Noise) I'm basically looking for noise with lots of small "ripples". The following is undesirable: Are ...
Xeon06's user avatar
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Understanding Perlin Noise

I'm toying with Perlin Noise after some work with Diamond Square. I followed the implementation by Hugo Elias that basically, makes a series of functions with x,y as input to throw each coordinate ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Generate planet like heightmaps

I would like to procedurally generate planets, but I don't know how to wrap a heightmap around a sphere. I already know how to generate plane heightmaps, but not how to generate spherical ones. Can ...
coldice4's user avatar
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How do you generate seamless Perlin noise?

I've done a research and tried implementing for months, but I've gotten nowhere trying to make seamless/tileable Perlin noise. Here is my current Perlin noise file without seamless implementation. In ...
Lono's user avatar
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Rotating UVs by X degrees

I would like to make a tileable texture with UV noise in Unity Shader Graph only, but I have a problem. After creating simple noise from UV, I want to rotate it by 90 degrees, but the node ...
Max Azatian's user avatar
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How to tile multiple procedurally generated textures?

I'm trying to develop a procedural tile generator for a game, mostly for the ground tiles, instead of using "hand-drawn" tiles. To achieve this I'm using Perlin noise and a sine wave with multiple ...
Burhuc's user avatar
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How to create a seamless 5D noise function?

I would like to create a seamless 3D Texture, I have read that it's doable with a 5D noise function but I can't find any implementation and the math is over my head here. How can I create a 5D noise ...
user345234674567's user avatar
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How to make one-axis tileable simplex noise?

I made a program that uses perlin noise to generate a height map. It worked very good. Later I changed it to use simplex noise. What I want to achieve now is that the left edge fits in the right ...
yente paternotte's user avatar
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GPU based procedual terrain borders?

I'm working on a game that preferably should feature a combination of designed and procedurally generated terrain where the designer specifies in somewhat detailed terms what type of terrain a given ...
OnePie's user avatar
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How do I create tileable 3D Perlin/Simplex noise?

I have a library which provides functions for 1/2/3/4-D simplex noise. With that I successfuly created a tileable 2D cloud texture (see How do you generate tileable Perlin noise?). Now I want to ...
Pikkostack's user avatar
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How to do Tileable Perlin Noise in C++?

I'm currently making a game that is going to involve terrain generation. I've already tried terrain generation using FastNoise2, and it "worked" and honestly would be faster than the "...
ChrisNonyminus's user avatar