I am working in Unity on a 2D project which is using C#.
I have a number of guitextures which are hearts in order to create a sort of life meter. I would like when the player loses a heart for the heart to change into a skull in a puff of smoke. I currently have the hearts correctly turning into skulls, and a puff of smoke is generated, however the smoke is created in the wrong location.
The smoke is currently generated by:
GameObject smokeObj = (GameObject)Instantiate (smoke, transform.TransformPoint(transform.position), Quaternion.identity);
I have also tried:
GameObject smokeObj = (GameObject)Instantiate (smoke, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
I know that the reason that the smoke is created in to wrong location is due to GUIElements using a different coordinate system than other gameObjects.
How can I create the smoke in the correct location?
This is a 2D project and I am currently using Unity 4.5of6, with windows 8.1.
Thank you for your assistance, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.
EDIT: I have also tried the following, yet it also works incorrectly:
Vector3 worldPos = cam.ViewportToWorldPoint(transform.localPosition + Vector3.forward);
GameObject smokeObj = (GameObject)Instantiate (smoke, worldPos, Quaternion.identity);
//smokeObj.layer = 5;
smokeObj.transform.parent = this.transform;