I have a set of 3D points that I need to "blend" between. Lets say I have points [A,B,C] and I have the amount I want to blend each as [0.5, 0.2, 0.8], how can I blend between these points with the amount I need?
Obviously if I just had 2 points I could use the vector math (A + (B - A) * ratio)
Method 1: I'm currently using a weighted average, which I suppose gives me the weighted center, but I need to try different blending styles to see visually which looks best.
Method 2 What If I did this:
Calculated a difference vector, each 3D point against the default point (I do have a default point)
A - Default
Then multiplied this difference with the blend amount
(A - Default) * Amount
And added these up, would that work? What result would I get?
(A - Default) * A_Amount
+(B - Default) * B_Amount
+(C - Default) * C_Amount