I'm looking for a Java framework to develop 2D games on desktop and Android. I've looked at Slick and I really like the API, however the developer himself says if you want a framework for Android and desktop best go with libgdx atm.
Now I'm reading up on libgdx, but I'm wondering if there are simpler alternatives for just doing 2D sprite stuff on Android and desktop. I'm only interested in creating NES like graphics, nothing too fancy. Something like this.
Because on the wiki of libgdx it says you can't use the OrtographicCamera with OpenGL ES 2.0 (http://code.google.com/p/libgdx/wiki/OrthographicCamera), but I read (http://www.badlogicgames.com/wordpress/?p=504) when your device supports OpenGL ES 2.0 it doesn't support 1.0, so you can't effectively use OrtographicCamera on OpenGL ES 2.0 devices?
I'm confused, should I go with libgdx? Are there simpler alternatives?