I am generating terrain around a route. The route already exists. I am using the Perlin Noise function implemented in Unity to generate terrain tiles that merge seamlessly. I generate the terrain tiles in the origin layer. From each terrain grid point I shoot a raycast to scan the street. I set the height values so that they are below the road (see picture 1 box without number). The terrain therefore adapts to the road
The problem, however, are roads with an elevation profile. For these, I save the highest road point within a terrain tile and add it to the height value of the respective tile. This allows me to arrange the tiles along the elevation profile of the road (image 2). Unfortunately, this height offset again breaks the seamlessly transitioning Perlin Noise. Is there a way to make the tiles merge seamlessly again after adding the offset?
So clearly the tiles surrounding the road sections with elevation profile are not supposed to be in the origin plane, but like the road elevation. I hope I have explained it reasonably well.