I am making a strategy game where the player roams a grid map. When the player encounter enemy on the map he is transferred to a "battle" scene where two armies are fighting in turn based battle. Imagine Heroes 3 like game.
My question is:
Should I load the battle scene in additive mode and temporary hide the "world map" and when the battle is finished to just show the "world map" and hide the "battle" scene?
Or i should unload the world scene and load the battle scene, and when the battle is over -> unload the battle scene and load the world scene ?
I think the 1st approach will give me less loading time between the two scenes, but will require more RAM ?
Second approach is standard one, but i will have loading between the scenes ?
My idea is to have no or minimal loading between battle and world scenes.
What do you guys thing ? Did you know what is the best practice in this case ?
By the way, i am using Unity as a engine.