I'm new to multiplayer and photon so pardon me if this question is somewhat frequent.
I have successfully set up my project to start from a main menu - waiting room - actual gameplay scene. However I couldn't search my way through getting a sort of user id from waiting room(ie; order of user joined to waiting room) then use it in the gameplay scene to manipulate sort by score / by hp / etc.
Perhaps I got the while concept of having to identify unique players via such variable? I'm not quite sure. I just got my foot in the multiplayer development realm, so please go easy on me.
// Edit
Sorry for my initial question being quite vague. Basically, I'm trying to replicate this with Photon. I've got various things set up but was stuck at where designating individual players to individual player info panels as if captured(Get WHAT to connect to those UI elements I've got set up).
It'd be simple enough even for me if this was a singleplayer, but since it's not I'm also refactoring a lot on the way as well. Thanks to both of the answers given so far I'm looking into Photon UtilityScripts(To a novice to anything simply directing where to look helps a ton, so thanks again), but since I'm not quite there yet I'll update my progress.