Sorry for my english mistakes,I treid my best to make myself easy to be understood.
On Unity 2017.1 + C#.
I am trying to make UnitTest to check the potential errors in the scenes. and when I want to get the gameObjects from the two deifferent scenes, I can only get the scene which is open currently in the editor.
How to solve this problem? Or This is impossible to be done in Unity mechanism?
Two Secens I have:
Scene1 hierarchy:
Scene2 hierarchy:
Result: Only get the open scene's infomation
My Final Solution
Thanks for the help, you guys help me make progress.
This is the feedback of my work. When I tried to solve my problems with the instruction, I ran into some obstacle.
So, I followed the suggestion of the error message.
And the result is pleasant.
The possible reason I can not get the same result at the begining, It may be because the different test mode(playMode/EditMode)
I will let myself take a break now and not dig deeper at this moment.
Thanks for your help and wish my dicovery can help someone too.