In my scene, I have a bouncing ball that collides with a cube. On each collision the ball returns to the same height. How can I get the ball to smoothly move along the x-axis by dragging my finger across the screen, while at the same time having no effect on the y or z values?
The y position is changing every frame depending on the state of the jump, so setting it's y position to transform.position.y in the Update function causes the movement to be jittery if the frame renders when it isn't caught up with the position of the ball.
Also, I set the interpolate value of the rigidbody to interpolate to get a smoother jumping motion, not sure if this is relevant to my problem or not.
Here is where I am at so far with little success. A few mobile games that replicate what I'm trying to achieve in terms of ball movement are Hop, Color Hop, and Splashy!
void Update()
if (Input.touchCount > 0 && Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Moved)
// Control sliding using touch input.
Vector2 touchDeltaPosition = Input.GetTouch(0).deltaPosition;
transform.Translate(touchDeltaPosition.x * slidingSpeed, 0, 0);
transform.position = new Vector3 (Mathf.Clamp(transform.position.x, - xPosLimit, xPosLimit), transform.position.y, transform.position.z);