When you start drag (OnMouseDown), save object position in some variable. Then OnMouseUp you can test that object is in position you needed else restore object position by saved variable.
// Define some target to place object in. It can be any Collider
public Collider target;
// Variable for saving initial object position
private Vector3 initialPosition;
void OnMouseDown()
drag = true;
// saving initial object position
initialPosition = transform.position;
//Debug.Log("haii ");
void OnMouseDrag()
void OnMouseUp()
// UPD2: missed some test if object are actually dragging now
if(drag) {
// Testing object and target collision
if(TestObjectInPlace(target, transform))
// Place object in target position if they are colliding
transform.position = position;
// or you can call DragMe() to put object under mouse cursor
// DragMe();
} else {
// Restore initial object position if object is not collide with target
transform.position = initialPosition;
drag = false;
void DragMe()
var pos =Input.mousePosition;
pos.x =Mathf.Clamp(pos.x,0,Screen.width);
pos.y =Mathf.Clamp(pos.y,0,Screen.height);
pos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(pos);
transform.position =pos;
bool TestObjectInPlace(Collider target, Transform obj)
// I test some distance between object and target for demo
// (I use distance less than 1 unit, but you can use any parameter of Collider
// to test collision of target and object and if they are colliding return true
// or false if not)
return Vector3.Distance(target.transform.position, obj.position) < 1;