I'm building a 3D rendering engine using C++ and OpenGL.
Right now, I've added support for multiple light sources in my GLSL shaders, but I've hit a bit of a bump for my rendering methods.
I'm worried about my engines performance if it has to render a lot of objects for a lot of light sources.
The straight-forward approach would be something like this:
for every object to be rendered
closestLights []
for every light in the scene
if (light closer than all lights in closestLights)
swap furthest light from closestLights with current light
However, I'm afraid the performance of this rendering-loop will degrade quickly since when either the amount of lights or the amount of objects increases, the amount of calculations will rise even quicker.
1) Is there any way to circumvent this?
2) How is this implemented in 'real' engines?
3) How can I find the closest K lightsources to an object efficiently?
I've heard about kd-trees and octrees, but I feel like building a tree everytime I render is probably worse than what I'm thinking about doing right now.
4) I could keep an octree and a kd-tree for every object (which keeps track of all other objects), which when using (smart) pointers, could be quite efficient in terms of time (but not space?).
Is this a good approach?
I know the saying 'Premature optimization is the root of all evil', but I'm pretty sure this WILL become a problem when a game/program reaches a certain complexity/size.