I know that the Unity editor can import/export packages which could contains Scenes (levels), but is it possible to import a Scene into a game at runtime without the Unity Editor?
What I am trying to achieve is:
- The client should only need to download/install the game once.
- The original game would NOT include any Scenes/levels except the start-up Scene.
- The original game would also not be aware of any levels so that developers can create more levels AFTER the game was released.
- The client should be able to place separate pre-created level-files (whether in some Unity scene format or any other format) into some directory where the game can at RUNTIME import these files without the Unity Editor.
- After the game imported these levels, the game should be able to play those new added levels without re-compiling/restarting.
Before I go and create my own special level-format and Unity Scene exporter/importer I was wondering if this problem has not already been solved.