So, I am basically lost at this point, trying to balance things.
In design phase; I did assign certain values to stats (imagine a standard set of any RPG you ever playe, to make things streamlined).
Now, I would like to start to introduce variants that does not depend directly on a stat; a good example could be "fatigue".
In my system, I have the value for strenght, and energy. Strength is constant (it may grow, but for the calculation purpose it is the constant part), so if I want to calculate fatigue:
strenght (0-99) constant
energy (0-99)
fatigue = [(strenght / energy)*10]
Easy...but when I plug in numbers, hell break loose.
Imagine that the character has a strenght of 100, start at 100 with energy, and each x steps, energy diminish, increasing his fatigue.
Strenght = 100
energy = 100; fatigue = (100/100)*10 = 10
energy = 90; fatigue = (100/90)*10 = 11,1
energy = 80; fatigue = (100/80)*10 = 12,5
energy = 40; fatigue = (100/40)*10 = 25
energy = 20; fatigue = (100/20)*10 = 50
This would work like a charm, maxing at 100 when energy is at 10%; but if the character has lower strenght, say 15, I end up with values as above, that are as following
Strenght = 15
This means that I don't get even close to 100 for fatigue, when energy is at 10% (I am at 15). So I am actually not sure how do you create formulas for parameters interaction in a game? The more complex I make it, the greater is the variance among the results; while Ideally I am aiming at having the character to take longer to reach 100 fatigue, if his strenght is higher, while it should reach fastr the limit, if the strenght is slower.
But in any case; when the energy reach 10%, the fatigue should be equivalent to 100.
Any suggestion wouold be appreciated; spending too much time on this, which should be pretty straight forward.