-VS 2013 Pro (Linked with Unity)
-Unity 4.6.1
-Git Version Control (Linked with Visual Studio 2013)
After much research, I haven't found any solutions to this fix. *While visual studio 2013 and Unity 4.6.1 is open, I am unable to commit in Visual Studio in Team Explorer. I am able to SYNC and commit when VS is closed.
ERROR: An error occurred. Detailed message: Could not open 'PROJECT/Temp/UnityLockfile': The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
I understand that it is being used, but is there any work around to this? I need to write custom commit messages to close open ISSUES in git, but would be efficient if done while Unity is open.
This just slows me down in terms of product management/ workflow, so if anyone has any workarounds to commit while unity is open, it would be much appreciated.
Let me know if you have any questions, I know there are some Unity/VS/Git masters out there
FIXED SOLUTION: Only include ProjectSettings and Assets when committing-> http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/solution-for-git-commits-in-vs-while-unity-is-open.328380/