In the simple platform game I'm making, when player collects coin, its cell is set to null
. Is it possible to recover all cells from layer "coins" after player dies? I have tried multiple things but none of them worked :/
Here is part of code responsible for collecting coins:
for (Rectangle coins : coins) {
TiledMapTileLayer layer_coins = (TiledMapTileLayer)map.getLayers().get("coins");
layer_coins.setCell((int)coins.x, (int)coins.y, null);
But when player dies and re-spawns, there are no coins if he collected them before. I tried reloading the map - it works fine, but loading after every death is unacceptable - it takes a lot of time.
EDIT: Now I have another problem, with loading TiledMapTile to put into cell...
TiledMapTile coinTile;
public void show() {
TextureRegion mapTexture1Region = new TextureRegion(mapTexture1, 32, 0, 16, 16);
It gives me NullPointerException, and I have no idea why :/