I'm making a Unity app, and would like to apply a zebra-like stripe to various letters:
My first thought was to create a Material Preset with zebra stripes, and apply it to my font using Text Mesh Pro. But all of the zebra stripes are all placed by hand on each letter - as otherwise, it doesn't look that great.
Here's another example, this time of a tiger stripe:
Right now, I'm thinking that the only real option is to create a separate Zebra version of this font with all of the stripes carefully applied by hand. Same with the Tiger-striped letters as well.
However, font's don't have native support for colors... and Unity doesn't yet support OpenType-SVG fonts.
Is it possible to create a range of material presets for say the Zebra font and then apply different materials to different letters via Text Mesh Pro?
Or maybe I could come up with a rule set for the stripes, and apply the stripes to various letters using a shader. Is that possible?
If anyone has other ideas on how to pull off these striped letters inside of Unity and Text Mesh Pro, would love to hear them!