
What I'm trying to do is make a Text object have an animation that allows for the hue of the color to go all the way up and loop back around, so it creates a cool rainbow thing.

I've looked on google for a solution but the solution I found only worked in older versions of Unity, which were used back in 2015. What I found

Any help would be appreciated!


2 Answers 2


When you use TextMeshPro (which I would recommend for many more reasons - it is just superior to the old Text and TextMesh components), then you can assign a Material to the text. That material can have a shader which allows you to create any kinds of visual effects.

But even when shader programming is not your area of expertise: The standard shader might already be able to do what you want. You can assign a tiling rainbow as a texture and then use the UV Speed property to make it scroll.


Use Rich Text:

string message = "<color="red">R<color="orange">a<color="yellow">i<color="green">n<color="blue">b<color="purple">o<color="red">w";

You can use hex code colors for finer control:

string message = "<color=#FF000088>Semitransparent red";

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