I have a character and he has a knife in his hand. When Run / Walk action happens hands move and so does knife, its collision collides with character's capsule collision and causes issue in movement.
More info: Component Hierarchy looks like
I have a character and he has a knife in his hand. When Run / Walk action happens hands move and so does knife, its collision collides with character's capsule collision and causes issue in movement.
More info: Component Hierarchy looks like
Following is the answer for blueprints
Ignore Knife with reference to Capsule Component
In your character blueprint > event graph draw a new connection from Event BeginPlay node, select Ignore Actor when Moving from list
It has two pins Target and Actor, Set Target to Capsule Component reference
For Actor you kneed to connect the Knife, but Knife is not exactly a true actor, it is a child actor component (A component that spawns an actor when registered, and destroys when unregistered, so do the following)
that's it, now your Knife will be ignored by your Capsule Component
thanks to @DMGregory for the lead