Is there any easy way exists that animates frames without using Animator component?
1 Answer
Yes, here is the basic scrip I wrote with some help of anonymous somewhere on the internet. Script contains some of his code. Well, anyone can use it. I will improve it by time.
Here is the script:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class AnimationScript : MonoBehaviour
[Header("Animate Once?")]
[Tooltip("Either animation should run once or not.")]
// Either animation should run once or not
public bool
_animateOnce = false;
[Tooltip("Time in seconds to change frames.")]
// Time in seconds to change frames
public float
_time = 1.0f;
[Tooltip("Animation sprites.")]
// Animation sprites
public Sprite[]
int frameCount = 0;
SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer;
void OnEnable ()
frameCount = 0;
spriteRenderer = GetComponent<Renderer> () as SpriteRenderer;
StartCoroutine ("Animate");
void OnDisable ()
frameCount = 0;
StopCoroutine ("Animate");
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
frameCount = 0;
spriteRenderer = GetComponent<Renderer> () as SpriteRenderer;
StartCoroutine ("Animate");
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()
IEnumerator Animate ()
if (frameCount >= _sprites.Length) {
if (_animateOnce) {
yield break;
} else {
frameCount = 0;
if (_sprites [frameCount] == null)
yield break;
spriteRenderer.sprite = _sprites [frameCount];
yield return new WaitForSeconds (Mathf.Abs (_time));
StartCoroutine ("Animate");
public void StopAnimation ()
StopCoroutine ("Animate");
Any suggestions are always welcome.