i'm working on a basic Top-Down Shooter, kind of like... Nuclear Throne or The Binding of Isaac, but since i'm new to Unity, and it's something i'm required to do for school, i'm quite in a rush so i didn't have enought time to look at all the documentation i should've, so i apologize if i'm asking too much.
The thing is like this : I have the Player that moves around, and a Sword that rotates in the mouse direction, clicking the mouse activates a Trigger Collider around the Sword, and it's suposed to Hit all enemies inside its range
The problem :
How should i "plan" my Scripts? i mean, i have a Sword script that handles the click and the OnTriggerEnter, and it should, somehow (Working on it), check if it hit an enemy, and access the Enemy Script to modify its Life Points, but how do handle the GameObject Enemy = GameObject.FindObjectWithTag("Enemy")[...]
? since this just gives me one enemy...
I apologize again since i'm really bad at focusing on one point, i dont think it's neccessary to provide all the code since i dont really need you to provide me with code, just... guidelines or a basic pattern of doing this kind of things.
Thank you a lot!.
? It should return a list of enemies. \$\endgroup\$