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Questions tagged [delaunay-triangulation]

A Delaunay triangulation is one where no point in the source set is within the circumcircle of any triangle in the result set.

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1 answer

Randomly generate polygonal obstacles from Delaunay triangulation

I'm currently trying to randomly generate obstacles in the hyperbolic plane. Obstacles are polygons with holes, in a hole there can be other obstacles. The hyperbolic plane term is unimportant for my ...
Traubenzucker's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Restrict A* pathfinding to overlapping "safe zones" within map

I've been bashing my head against this idea for a few days without luck, I'm hoping someone sees something I don't. So I have a 2D map containing walls and obstacles, and I have a unit that navigates ...
Nairou's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Reducing adjacency bookkeeping work in constrained Delaunay triangulation

I'm using the Sloan algorithm for constraining a generated Delaunay triangulation. This primarily consists of edge flipping for the edges that overlap the constrained edges. In order to flip an edge, ...
Nairou's user avatar
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How can I create a mesh of triangles made from the vertices of a polygon and contained within that polygon?

I'm trying to programatically generate a mesh, given the vertices of a polygon, which is contained within that polygon. For example, starting with these points: I would want to generate a mesh ...
user19642323's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How does heavily constrained delaunay triangulation work?

In short: I'm trying to find an algorithm for performing a Delaunay triangulation of a heavily constrained polygon (for the purpose of pathfinding), with the understanding that most of the resulting ...
Nairou's user avatar
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2 answers

Mesh Triangulation that is inside<->outside aware

am working on an algorithm for procedural generation of 3D meshes for caves in a side-scroller game. The algorithm nicely computes contours and also points inside the caves that are supposed to be ...
DragonGamer's user avatar
1 vote
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High-level advice on procedural river (Unity3D) [closed]

I'm working on some procedural content for Unity3D - in C# My main aim is to build a flat plane (or maybe later a terrain / mesh), with a single river running through it, based on a seed value. I ...
TheDavil's user avatar
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Triangulating a 3D mesh from a set of data points

I'm trying to implement the Bowyer-Watson point insertion version of the Delaunay triangulation algorithm, but in 3D. I previously implemented the 2D version without problems, but when transitioning ...
Yattabyte's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to generate tiled delaunay triangulation mesh (delaunay triangulation within a rectangle with triangles connecting opposing edges)?

I have a nice triangulation of a square mesh. The way I do this currently is generate square mesh (two triangles), from (0.,0.) to (1.,1.) (axis-aligned and normalized for simplicity) add point ...
Phildo's user avatar
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