I'm not talking about the background grid here, I'm talking about the swirly particles going around the Gravity Wells! I've always liked the effect and decided it'd be a fun experiment to replicate it, I know GW uses Hooke's law all over the place, but I don't think the Particle-to-Well effect is done using springs, it looks like a distance-squared function.
Here is a video demonstrating the effect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgJe0YI18Fg
I can implement a spring or gravity effect on some particles just fine, that's easy. But I can't seem to get the effect to look similar to GWs effect. When I watch the effect in game it seems that the particles are emitted in bunches from the Well itself, they spiral outward around the center of the well, and eventually get flung outward, fall back towards the well, and repeat.
How would I make the particles spiral outward when spawned? How would I keep the particle bunches together when near the Well but spread away from each other when they're flung outward? How would I keep the particles so strongly attached to the Well?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eEPl8kOXN8 <- Video
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/49283213/gw.gif <- GIF of the particle path
I disabled the randomization within GW to make the particle effect easier to see, here's a minute video where you can see a blue-green drain sending out it's bunch of particles. The red particles are from the explosions that normally appear all over the place. Some observations I made from the video:
- The particles are emitted from the center (or near center) of the drain
- All particles are being forced into a clockwise motion around the center so some sort of tangential motion is being applied, you can easily see this when the red explosion particles get close to the drain.