Recently, I am trying to make a 3D game in LWJGL 2, not LWJGL 3, just because I am more familiar with LWJGL 2. Since LWJGL decided to shut down their legacy wiki website, I've been researching alot lately on adding shaders. The thing is, most of these tutorials use VBOs and VAOs to render objects.
I am trying to use vertex and fragment shaders to edit the objects. Yes, I am using the depreciated methods glBegin();
and those rendering methods to draw shapes. I am not sure if this affects the use of shaders or not, so that is why I am asking this question.
If anyone wants to know, I am using the depreciated methods because I don't want to really use VAOs and VBOs, I know it reduces performance to use the depreciated methods, but I am fine with this for now.